Welcome to the 2018-2019 school year at Janet Metcalfe Public School!


To our new Metcalfe Maverick families, Welcome to the neighbourhood!!!!.


School begins on September 4 at 9:10am.  Our staff will greet students- first at the walking spots designated on the maps in an earlier post, or as they get off of the bus,  They will proceed to the playing field to find their teachers/classes and to begin our new school year with our opening day announcements which will happen outside.  Please feel free to join your child for the announcements and O Canada outside and then wish them well as they head inside with their teachers.

To comply with privacy legislation we are changing the way we communicate elementary students’ home classroom for September 2018. Class lists will no longer be posted on the outside windows or doors of your child’s  school. After 12:00 p.m. on September 1 you will be able to determine your child’s homeroom teacher using School-Day. When you log into your account, click “Schools and Groups” on the blue left hand side menu, then click “Your Classes.” This will show the classes and groups your child is linked to within our school. Homeroom names are in the form of ,K1, K2….1A, 1B….2/3 etc.

Once you have determined the homeroom, you can find the name of the homeroom teacher using the following list:


K 1  – Room 17    N. Ricard /S. Griffioen

K 2 – Room 16    S. Belanger / J. Nagel

K 3  – Room 15    S. Lencz / M. Clare

K 4  – Room 14   J. Breen / J. Cabrera

K 5 – Room 13    M. Raymond

1 A – Room  1      K. Sestan-Jones

1 B –  Room 10    M. Hunter

1/2 – Room 8      A. Spangler

2 A – Room 7      T. Feltz

2 B – Room 6     A. Reis

2/3 – Room 5    A. Thibeau

3 A – Room 25   C. Lanteigne

3/4 – Room 26   D. Bauman

4 A – Room 27    M. Donofrio

4/5 – Room 28   M. Hall

5 A – Room 29    S. Hillis

6 A  – Room 31    A. Jones

6 B  – Room 32    A.  Zack

7 A  – Room 33   J. Straatman

7 B – Room 34    S. McDonald

7 C – Room 36    Z. Mason

7 D – Room 37   B. Bowman

ACE  Room 21    J. Mitchell

If you do not have a School-Day account, class lists will be available at the school on Tuesday morning, or you may see a member of our staff who will gladly help you out.

We are very excited to begin the new school year. See you September 4th!


Janet Hale

Proud Principal

Janet Metcalfe PS