Free Webinar for Parents:

Guilt, grief, and grace, oh my: Parenting during a Pandemic

Hello Strong Minds Strong Kids community,
Strong Minds Strong Kids, Psychology Canada is dedicated to our mission of nurturing resilience in children. One way to do this is to support the caring adult in children’s lives.

December 2nd, 2020

12 pm ET

Dr. Amanda Zelechoski
Dr. Lindsay Malloy
Parenting was already hard, and now we’re navigating a pandemic on top of it. We continue to grieve the loss of many things that are important to us – including connections to various sources of support and sense of community. In this webinar, we’ll talk about the grief, self-doubt, anxiety, and uncertainty that has come with pandemic parenting. We’ll also talk about “good enough’ parenting, especially in times of crisis.
Learn more about Pandemic Parenting
Dr. Amanda Zelechoski is a licensed clinical and forensic psychologist and attorney, specializing in trauma. She is board certified in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology and has worked clinically with adults, children, and families. As an Associate Professor of Psychology at Valparaiso University, she directs the Psychology, Law, and Trauma Lab, where she conducts research on the impact of childhood trauma. In addition, Dr. Zelechoski provides training and consultation to numerous mental health, legal, educational, and child welfare agencies. More importantly, she is a wife and mom of three young children, mostly just trying to make sure her kids have clothes on when they bust into her virtual meetings.
Dr. Lindsay Malloy is an Associate Professor of Psychology at Ontario Tech University, specializing in developmental and forensic psychology. She is the Director of the Development, Context, and Communication Lab and her research addresses how, why, and to whom children and teens disclose negative or traumatic experiences, as well as factors that influence children’s memory, deception, and narratives. She frequently provides expert testimony and consultation related to children’s communication about and memory of difficult events. Dr. Malloy is also a wife and mother of two young children trying to navigate all of the COVID-19 uncertainty with a little help from chocolate and Disney Plus.
Thank you for your interest in our webinars. Our webinars fill up quickly so please be sure to cancel your registration if you are no longer able to make the session. This will allow others to register for the session as space opens up.