June 17th, 2021
Dear JME Families,
We apologize for the earlier email and the misunderstanding it may have caused. We hope this email will clarify the process.
Report Cards will be handed out on June 24, 25, and 28th when you come for your ‘classroom connection’ (please see the posted schedule on School Day or the JME website). You will be dropping off all tech and library books, picking up any student belongings that were left in the school, and picking up your child’s report card. If you cannot come on that day please contact your child’s classroom teacher to make alternate arrangements.
If you do not come to the school or make alternate arrangements to pick up your child’s report card, we will be using Canada Post to mail the report cards directly to you at home.
To ensure that the report card is sent to the correct address, we need your help. If you have moved within the past school year, and the school is not aware of your new address, we need you to contact the school office staff to update your home address in our student information system. To make sure that our system is updated in time for the mailings, we ask that you contact the school by Monday June 21, 2021 @ 4pm.
There are two options for you to contact the school office:
1. By Google Form
You can fill out this google form: Address Change form
2. By Email
You can send an email to the school office: jme@wrdsb.ca Please include your child(ren)’s names in the email.
3. By Phone
You can call the school and leave a voice message. To reach the general voicemail, please call the school phone number: 519-514-0105 and press 3 to leave a detailed message including your child(ren)’s names and new address in the voicemail.
If you have any questions regarding this process, please contact your school by email or phone as outlined above.
We thank you for your continued support.